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Helios symbol greek

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On a larger scale, the apparent path of Ílios in the firmament, as he passes through the constellations through the year, is the zodiac. All through the night, Ílios sails in a golden vessel through the northern stream of Ôkæanόs where he arrives in the east in time to begin his journey again through the sky. He bursts forth in his four-horsed chariot and flies through the sky to the Æspærídæs (Hesperides or Evenings, Ἑσπερίδες ), his destination in the west. In mythology, Ílios emerges in the east every morning from his golden palace in the river Ôkæanόs (Ôceanus, Ὠκεανός ).

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Other children of Ílios appear to be mortal, such as Aiítîs (Aeêtês, Αἰήτης ) and Phaǽthôn (Phaethôn, Φαέθων ). He is sometimes called Ypærionídîs (Hyperionidês, Ὑπεριονίδης ) after his father Ypæríôn (Hyperiôn, Ὑπερίων ).

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Ílios is the sun itself, and as such is one of the most important deities in Ællînismόs (Hellênismos, Ἑλληνισμός ), the ancient Greek religion.

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